Uscito flatnuke-2.6.1

Ecco la versione 2.6.1 di flatnuke. Questa versione include alcune piccole modifche e fix. Colgo l'occasione per annunciare l'apertura del negozio virtuale Flatnuke Gadgets. Parte del ricavato servir? a finanziare il progetto. Segue il consueto ChangeLog


flatnuke-2.6.1 (ants)
Fix: Some errors on flatcry theme fixed
Change: foot_news.php removed (deprecated)
Fix: Fixed bug making admins to delete a file by deleting a user
Fix: foot_news.php completely deprecated (some code from Alfredo Cosco)

Aldo Boccacci :
Add: summary of the thread when replying to a post (idea from Alfredo Cosco aka capitanonelson)
Add: new function: print_subsections($mod)
Change: variable $forum_moderators moved from forum/flatforum.php to config.php
Fix: Login now works also on Windows servers
Fix: Bbcodes now don't move the page
Fix: Added a scrollbar for preview of long posts/news

Alfredo Cosco :
Change: Reorganized view of news' archive

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